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UACCCI Ministries

Rev. Dr. Howard McFarland Administrator – Bishop Emeritus




WELCOME TO 2025. Another Year of doing Kingdom Business Together.

From the Office of UACCCI Ministries, We want to say that we APPRECIATE all of our Pastors, Ministers, Chaplains, & Counselors,  for what you are doing for KINGDOM BUSINESS.


Association Renewals are $100.00 and they or due in by February.

You can send in through the Website via Pay Pal, Cash App $harwjs or FB Pymts. If you have questions, please contact, Dr. Chadd Hatfield or Dr. Howard McFarland

Once your Association Renewal is sent in , we will send you a LGS & a new ID Card via E.Mail

Please when you send in Association Renewal, please update your information through the 

payment Link

Thank You...................




UACCCI Ministries

                       BISHOP'S INSIGHT     January - April 2025


IT'S A NEW DAY........ 2 Chronicles 7: 1-3, 12- 16

Haggai 2: 1-9

Every year we have four seasons. We go through Winter, Spring, Summer, & Fall.

Each season brings changes to each of us in different ways.

We as the Body of Christ, go through changes, according to what God directs us to

do. During these seasons of change, we make Spiritual changes, and move to the next

level in our walk with Christ. If we become stagnant or complacent, we won't grow

Spiritually, we won't move to the next level, and we won't see the Glory of God in

our lives.

The last few months of 2024, I have had this urgency in my Spirit, I've been hearing

hearing a “rustling in the mulberry bush” (2 Samuel 5:23-24), I've been hearing the

voice of the Holy Spirit, I feel like in 2025, we are going to see a shaken in the

Body of Christ, and the “Wheat & Tares” starting to be separated (Matt. 13: 24-30).


2 Chronicles 7: 1-3

After Solomon prayed fire came down, consumed the sacrifice and the Glory of the

Lord filled the Temple.

Fire Came down: This was a act of Approval (Favor) from God

Glory filled the Temple: This was a thick black Cloud that filled the Temple with

Darkness, the Priest could no longer Minister because of

the awe & Reverence of God

You will notice also that all the people bowed down to Worship and Praise God.

I believe in 2025, if we get to the place we need to be Spiritually, & offer ourselves

to God, as a sacrifice to Him, & Worship Him in awe and Reverence that we will

see the Glory of God coming down in our lives.


Haggai 2: 1-9

Haggai's mind was on the Temple the he was helping Zerubbabel to build. His

message from God was in a sense deeper perhaps the he even realized.

Solomon's Temple & Zerubbabel Temple wer dim compared to the Church, built

not of stones, it was built of the souls of the redeemed ( Eph. 2: 19-22).

V 5 Covenanted: God has always honored the Covenants He made. Even if people

rebelled, God will not rescind on His Word.

V 6-8 shake Heaven & earth......

The Glory of God fell:

On the Day of Pentecost,  on Saul on the Damascus Road,

on Paul and Silas in the Jailhouse, Fell on the Gentiles  when Peter was Preaching,

V. 9 Glory of the Latter House: Glory.... Great Honor, Worship, Splendor, Pleasure


God is waiting on us to pour out His Glory again, I believe there is a Shaking going

on, a moving of the Spirit of God, a birthing of Revival.

“When you seek Revival, you get performance,

When you seek Jesus, you get Revival.”


2 Chronicles 7: 12-16

A lot of people can quote v 14, however, lets look at the verses connected to 14.

Questions to Ponder....

Has God heard are Prayers of Sacrifice? Has God chosen are house of Prayer?

Both of these are (singular).......

This passage gives us a prescribed order by God......

We need to Humble ourselves. Will hear from Heaven

Pray. THEN GOD will Forgive their Sin

Seek God's Face. Heal the Land.

Turn from our wicked ways.

When was the last time..............

You had a burden for lost souls, going to Hell?

Spent time Praying, Studying, and Seeking God's face?

You felt the conviction of the Holy Spirit on your life?

The current situation in the Church world today that I see, and feel in my Spirit.

We are stagnant or complacent, some “ Christians” don;t realize the

difference between the move of the Spirit, and their Emotions. God wants to pour

His Glory in the house, however, we have not prepared ourselves to receive it.

Church “the Body of Christ” it's past time to move forward, press toward the mark,

lay aside the weights that beset us, set our face like a flint, Pray and seek God.

God Bless:

Rev. Dr. Howard McFarland

Bishop Emeritus UACCCI Ministries


The confessions of a Calvinist: A poem by Rev. Chadd Hatfield, PhD

From the Psalms to the Prophet’s, God divine plan is seen, The sovereignty of our Lord plans and decrees, Causes evil to fall and men’s heart to see, From the Messiah’s redemption to the resurrected King, From Genesis to Revelation, It’s God’s will that reigns supreme, An Elected people known from eternity past, Though this is true and the foundation of our Faith that lasts, This Calvinist Accepted Jesus by faith through God’s grace, Though I know I was known before the foundation of the world, And was chosen through a divine and glorious reward, But confession I did make, so clear I recall, With an irresistible grace His desire to call, So we evangelize to the hearts of so many at whatever the cost, Knowing God’s will is divinely decided, yet our hope is that none will be lost, So I love the Tulip so beautiful and clear, a God so sovereign that determines His will, T: Total Depravity U: Unconditional Election L: Limited Atonement I: Irresistible Grace P: Perseverance of the Saints


A theological poem: By Rev. Chadd Hatfield, Ph.D.

Ode to Grace: Armenian & Calvinist Saga They came together in a wooded place To pray and read and speak of God's grace It opened in prayer, and soon it ensued A theological battle of epic brood Deep moans of frustration from each of these men Quoting the same verses in holy script, but with a differing end Time past rapidly, but seemed like years Both fighting for their side, while God shed tears Then in an instant a small child yells quit! The young child shouted loudly, why are you both throwing a fit The young child asks "Did Jesus die for your sins" Then men agreed and shame filled them within The boy goes on "Did Jesus rise from the grave and defeat the sting of death and offer Sanctification for all who are called to rest" Both men agreed and realized what must be said By Grace you are saved and by faith we are led.

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