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UACCCI Ministries is a Ministerial Association. It is the desire of UACCCI to provide Training, Licenses, Certificates, to Men and Woman called into the Ministry.

Set Forth- February 1, 2018,

New Policy starting 01/June/2020

New Ordination License our New Certificates will be $100.00. 

 Association Membership in UACCCI Ministries will be $100.00 a Year, 

due in FEBRUARY of each Year, this includes your Renewal.

All Members will receive a Letter of Good Standing with this Association, a Member ID Card, and our E-Newsletter, we send out every 3 months.

Members are encouraged to submit Ministry activities, so we can help promote what they are doing; even though this is not a requirement. We are very Honored to have many colleagues and co-laborers and look forward to working with you.

God Bless

Rev. Dr. Howard McFarland, PhD.

UACCCI will continue in support for our fellow members and be able to provide assistance for various ministries during the course of the year who may find themselves in need. Our desire is simple, to support our fellow Ministers, Chaplains, and Biblical Counselors in the development of their professional careers.

The majority of the administration done through UACCCI is done free of charge, or with minimum cost to our members.

We want to thank you for your support and being part of this amazing Ministry Association, that is moving forward in cutting edge ministry and counseling services for the Kingdom of God.


When sending in Payment for Training, New Credentials, or Renewals, Please follow this link and complete the information. This information is required prior to sending your payment and before any credentials are sent out.

Go to Contact us & updates make changes there

******  Renewal Payments are due in February, of each Year

If not Paid within 120 Days, License will be Rescinded, & you will

have to apply for New License/Certificates

     +++++  If you are sending a Check, for your Renewal, or a Offering/Donation to UACCCI Ministries. 

   PLEASE:  Make Check- Pay to - Dr. Howard McFarland

                                           Memo -  UACCCI New, Renewal, Offering/Donation

                                           Mail to Dr. Howard McFarland

                907 E. Stone St. Independence, Mo. 64050


Once we receive the information with payment, materials will be sent to you. We will not send paperwork until we receive payment. If you have a question as to what cost is for new credentials, renewals or endorsements please contact us.

You can use links below to send in via PAYPAL or you can send in 

payments through Cash App.......$harwjs, or Facebook Pymts.


If paying with debit or credit card please use the links below:

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

New License                                

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

Renewal Certifications & Endorsements

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

MONTHLY Donation/Support

Tax Deductible

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